What is a prophet of the earth?
a prophet of the earth is a songwriter…
that downloads melodies from Heaven…
writes them on earth…
and incites a revolution in culture
what we do
songwriter’s workshop
Our hands-on songwriting workshop, tailored for worship teams of all sizes, offer churches an immersive experience to enhance their musical, lyrical, and melodic skills. Worshipers will engage in collaborative sessions led by Bethany, focusing on creative songwriting techniques for the Body of Christ.
worship leadership workshop
Our in-person worship workshops, tailored for worship teams of all sizes, offer churches an Spirit-filled, practical worship leadership experience to enhance their leadership, relationship with God, team dynamics, heart of worship, and skillful expression. Worshipers will learn how to foster a cohesive team environment and host the presence of God.
Coming soon our online class for songwriters focusing during a 14-week period with community, heart work, songwriting like King David, techniques and disciplines, activations and co-writing sessions. One-on-one calls with Bethany, interactive classes with live Q&A, and more.
the online course
Coming soon our online course for the church’s songwriters and worshipers focuses with applicable, practical songwriting techniques and activations. With interactive video lessons and engaging assignments, individuals will learn to craft revelatory songs that cause worship to arise.